if you want to count break time as attendance time, you need to select second option if you want to attendance records with machine number, you need to select the third option. There are 3 options on the right of this window, if you want to count Late-In or Early-Out as attendance time, you need to select first option. Such as input our means if you set 120 min here, if Late-In time or early-out time for one employee in one day is more than 120 minutes, Timekart will ignore his working time to count as absence for this day. 1) The first menu: Basic Setting Company Setting, You can set the company name here. Not jump any step to operate, otherwise you will not see the result you want. Main Interface Note: 2 Main interface show the main menu of Timekart, navigation shows detailed operation steps,users can follow navigation to operate Timekart step by step. Login Timekart Note: Admin means the Administrator of Timekart and there is no default password for Timekart before you set any password. Timekart Time & Attendance Management Software 1 Setting 1)Company setting.